
Strapi Webtools Monorepo

Everything you need to build a website with Strapi CMS

The Webtools suite is still in BETA


This repository contains several plugins:

  1. The Core Plugin
  2. The Sitemap Addon

By clicking on the links above you'll be redirected to the documentation of each plugin

✨ #StrapiPluginWeek

This plugin was initially made as an entry to the Strapi Plugin Week hackathon. Back then it went under the name "URL alias". Since then a lot has changed and the plugin has been renamed to Webtools where the URL alias feature is just a part of it.

See the demo video.

🌎 Community support

📝 Resources

Install now

npm install @pluginpal/strapi-webtools --save
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🔗 Unique, flexible and autogenerated URLs for your Strapi managed web content.

30 GitHub stars

1k monthly downloads